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Final Post - Course Reflection

Overall reflection of the entire course: It is hard to believe that this course is over already! There have been so many valuable things that I have learned from this course and will definitely use in my future teachings. Some of my main takeaway's or highlights from this course are: Tyler and his amazing journey with assistive technology. The SeeNow website simulator really hit home for me since my Pop had vision issues and now I understand what he was seeing or not seeing.  Katie Novak's UDL site and the dinner party activity. BookCreator was amazing and I will definitely use this with my class. Learning about all of the accessibility options on my devices. I did not know that there were so many available. Mentimeter is so neat for using in classrooms. The Myth of Average video was a great resource and taught me that we need to ban "average". The Understood  simulator was so cool but also frustrating when using it yourself. It really opened my eyes as to what my st

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