Takeaway's Class 4 - June 6th, 2020

Three takeaway's from the entire class:

  • The Unite for Literacy website was so neat! I loved that it was a free resource and had so many books available on it. This is great for all students and perfect for when they are learning from home. It has such a variety of books that can be used for all ages and subjects. I will definitely use this in the future. You can find the website here: https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/

Unite for Literacy Books

  • The edWeb site was great. Again, I love that it is free to access. It is a perfect for professional learning and has so many webinars that you can avail of. At the end of each session, you have the option to do a quiz to receive a certificate as well. I have never heard of this site before but I will definitely be doing some more research on it. You can find the site here: https://home.edweb.net/
edWeb: A professional online community for educators
edWeb's Logo

  • Katie Novak's Learn from Home website was amazing! I loved how each day was a different tile with a cool picture on it. Each day has a link that brings you to a google doc that explains each activity. There were so many great activities that you could do from home. I thought this was great for parents too because it is so easily laid out and anyone can access it. You can find the site here: https://www.novakeducation.com/novak-distance-learning-plan-coronavirus-2020/
Sample of Katie Novak's Website Layout


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